Deep Belly Breathing |
Diaphragmatic Breathing

During your sauna session, focus on deep belly breathing to enhance relaxation and calmness. Breathe deeply into your abdomen, letting your diaphragm expand fully, inhaling through your nose to feel your belly rise, and exhaling slowly through your mouth or nose as your belly falls. This technique is especially effective for soothing the nervous system amidst the sauna’s warmth.

Counted Breathing |
Equal Breathing

Incorporating counted breathing, also known as equal breathing, into your sauna routine involves inhaling and exhaling for an equal count, such as four seconds each. This technique helps regulate your breath, promoting relaxation and mental clarity amidst the sauna’s heat. By focusing on rhythmic breathing, you can enhance your sauna experience, fostering a sense of calm and stability throughout your session.

Alternate Nostril Breathing |
Nadi Shodhana

This technique involves using the thumb and ring finger of one hand to alternately close one nostril while inhaling and exhaling through the other nostril. It is believed to balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain, promoting clarity and relaxation.

Square Breathing |
Box Breathing

Square breathing, or box breathing, involves inhaling deeply for a count of four, holding the breath for four, exhaling for four, and pausing for another count of four before repeating. Incorporating this technique into your sauna routine can help synchronize your breath and promote relaxation amidst the heat. By practicing square breathing, you can enhance mindfulness and reduce stress, making your sauna session more rejuvenating and beneficial for both body and mind.

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